
【学术报告】The Skin of the Ocean


报告题目:The Skin of the Ocean

报告人Peter J. Minnett        

Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences
Speaker,  RSMAS School Council
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami , USA

时间:    2017年6月12日周一10:00-11:00

地点:    图书馆第一会议室



Peter Minnett studied Physics at the University of Oxford and Physical Oceanography at the University of Southampton, both in the UK. He is currently Professor of Ocean Sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami in the USA. His research interests include infrared remote sensing of the ocean from satellites, including atmospheric effects on the radiative transfer and the derivation of accurate sea-surface temperatures. Using ship-based infrared interferometry he studies the physics of the upper ocean, including the properties of the ocean skin layer and air-sea exchanges. He is a member of several satellite instrument science teams with responsibility for sea-surface temperature derivations, and the determination of their accuracy. He recently served as Chair of the Science Team of the international Group for High Resolution Sea-Surface Temperature.